Martial Arts Garden
Martial Arts Garden
Martial Arts Garden
Medium Garden Projects
Medium Garden Projects
Newmarket Road Park and Ride
Newmarket Road Park and Ride
Wetland and Wildfowl trust
Barn Coversion
Barn Coversion
Barn Coversion

Echinacea purpurea Magnus
Echinacea purpurea, commonly known as the 'Coneflower, and flowers late July through August. A Garden designers favourite it should be planted in a herbaceous border in full sun, these beautiful tall plants form good-sized clumps. You can purchase these plants already potted all year or as seeds to be sown when the soil is warm enough for germination. Echinacea is a herbaceous perennial so place in the middle at the back of the border. Echinacea produces abundant bright daisy-like flowers loved by Red Admiral butterflies it is also used in many herbal remedies to improve the immune system and is said to help with the symptoms of colds and Flu.
Trachelospermum Jasminioides
Trachelospermum Jasminioides (Star Jasmine) is a beautiful eye-catching plant for use in any garden or landscape design this woody evergreen easy to maintain climber can be grown over a sunny Pergola, wall or through a trellis, this plant will reward you with highly fragrant white star-shaped flowers and glossy dark green leaves that turn to a rich shade of bronze in winter. It is best grown in a sheltered fertile and well-drained soil, protect from severe frost in exposed sites in winter using a suitable landscape fleece.
Leucojum Gravetye
Leucojum Gravetye, commonly known as the 'Spring Snowflake', conveniently flowers mid to late March replacing the traditional snowdrop, this is a bulb related to the Amaryllis family. A great plant for use in a planting design Leucojum should be planted in a moist semi-shady border, tolerating all soil types but loves Humus rich soils, these beautiful plants will form good-sized clumps over time. You can purchase these plants in the green and flowering in early spring or plant as bulbs in September/October at the front of the border. Leucojum is a plant you will grow to love, it is very lightly scented, flowering in nodding umbels with faint green tips.
Chionodoxa luciliae
When planting up your new planting design use this beautiful little spring bulb Chionodoxa luciliae we suggest that it is planted in the green for best results, they should be available in small pots at garden centres in late winter/early spring, (if not plant bulbs in autumn 50mm deep) place in full sun to the front of the border in a large clump suggest 1m X 0.6m area for mass effect and allow to spread. Keep the area weed free, the plant dies down in summer so be sure to mark the position where your bulbs are planted, flowers February to early March. Plant with Narcissus tete a tete.
Garden News and Ideas
Here Kym Valley Gardens will provide details of projects, garden shows, plants and other newsworthy items that are of general horticultural landscape and Garden Design Interest, check regularly to see our latest post.

Aquilegia McKana Giant
A superb plant For extra colour in your garden borders this spring why not try planting a beautiful Aquilegia like this variety called McKana Giant, we use a lot of these in Garden designs and we believe that they are a winner every time.

Garden Follies
When you have your garden designed why not create a folly ruin at the end of your garden. Redwood Stone provides a superb range of recreated Gothic arches, windows and architectural details to create parts of old ruins including ruined chapels, and manor houses for use in your garden. A folly will provide a perfect backdrop to a seating area down by the pond. The landscape designer Humphrey Repton used follies in nearly all of his garden designs to provide a focal point drawing the visitor into the garden. The example shown here is part of one the many beautifully laid out gardens at Capel Manor Gardens.

No project is too large or too small for our highly qualified and professional team of award winning Garden Designers, with over 30 years of experience in designing gardens. From the garden pond or flower border right through to a large historic country estate, Kym Valley Gardens can work with you to provide the perfect garden of your dreams.
Turn Your Dream Into A Reality
Gardens are never finished they change with the seasons and plants continue to grow and change. A garden design will provide you with the ultimate concept to work towards, however not all gardens can be afforded in one go, so to complete the final garden may take several years, this will be dependent on your budget and time frame.
It is however possible to have a garden designed so that it can be built by the contractor in phases. In this way a section can be completed and enjoyed, whilst the next phase is completed sometime in the near future.
For a no obligation quotation or to discuss your design and build garden requirements book your consultation today.